The start of an overhaul

This is an RSS only post. Check out the RSS Club to learn about the (open) secret.

TLDR: I’m making a tweak to my RSS feeds:

Over the past month or so, multiple people have asked me about copying my site’s theme. Unfortunately, there is no theme to copy, only a bunch of duct-taped together hacks and ideas.

Combining all of my posts into a single RSS feed is the first step in a big refactor that I hope will turn into a cleaner, more abstractable version of this site that others can use as an open source design template.

My notes were a Jekyll collect — it seemed like a good idea at the time, I wanted to test out daily microblogging without blowing up my main feed.

Nearly every design decision was a “oh lemme hack this on here, just a bit of inline CSS won’t hurt” and now I have a proper mess. Cleaning that up is the next step.

I also want to get my post meta-data under control. Even if it’s not particularly useful for others, I enjoy looking up older posts and the snapshots they provide of me a few years ago.

Biggest lesson learned: never make fun of the front end devs again at work for writing spaghetti code!