Introducing notes via RSS

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Greetings RSS friends!

I’ve been inspired to start microblogging-ish via RSS.

I like writing something short most days but am not so keen to post to social media all that often for the typical indie web reasons. Then I saw Nick Wynja’s log — an RSS only microblog of sorts.

And so I’m experimenting with my own version: short from cool things I find around the internet, thoughts that I still haven’t fully fleshed out and little bits of daily life. It’s fun to do, get me writing a little bit more and forces me to reflect more often about what I want to share with the world today.

RSS is going to be the main mode of distribution. I like the idea of keeping only a reasonable number new posts discoverable (say those written in the past month) and older post findable only by navigating to the exact URL.

All of my notes contain the no index tag:
<meta name="robots" content="noindex">

Thus I’m writing for human consumption and at a human scale. I really enjoy feedback and responses in the form of emails and response posts (but please email me so I can find it!).

Here’s the link to my notes RSS feed.

Thanks for reading! 🙏